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Because of You - A Tribute to Kobe Bryant

Writer's picture: MSCMSC

Written by: Paolo Lansang (MSSA Co-President)

Because your pre-game meal was salmon, mashed potatoes, and asparagus, I ate those things when I was trying to get in shape.

Because you woke up at 3:00 to start training, I woke up at 5:30 in high school, even if I didn’t need to.

Because I loved watching you play, my archetype for my 2K MyPlayer is a Post-Scoring Shot Creator.

Because you played a game left-handed after hurting your right shoulder in 2015, I brushed my teeth with my left hand throughout Grade 11 to build ambidexterity.

Because I was so passionate about repping you, I kept wearing my tattered flea market Kobe jersey on Jersey Day in school, even when all the rich hockey kids made fun of me.

Because of all the joy you’ve brought me over the years, I change into that jersey every time I get home.

Because you played in Los Angeles, I was so excited when my parents told me we’d be taking a family trip there.

Because you played in Los Angeles, I said that I liked the city, even though I really hated it.

Because everyone playing pick-up in LA Fitness was talking about how you dunked on Clint Capela in 2015, a 17-year old introvert like me was able to have an awesome and confidence-boosting conversation with a complete stranger.

Because I read a story of how you would play your high school teammates in 1-on-1 games to 100, I kept my Kobe Zoom Venomenon 4’s in my locker at all times.

Because of how much I wanted to be like you, the first thing I asked my mom when she talked about a possible promotion was if I would be able to get custom Kobe 9’s.

Because you had no doubt that you could beat LeBron 1-on-1, I learned to never sell myself short and to always have confidence in my abilities.

Because you tore your Achilles, I wrote my final 3E03 paper on Achilles tendon ruptures in NBA players.

Because you posted a picture of your surgery in 2013, I decided that my dream was to become an orthopedic surgeon.

Because you were so damn good without being the tallest, fastest, or strongest, I learned that I could be more successful than anyone by showing the most dedication to my work.

Because of you, I am who I am today.

And because of you, I can’t stop crying.

Kobe, you were, are, and will always be my hero. Only a handful of people in my life have influenced me more than you did. You exemplified what it means to be successful, what it means to work hard at your craft, and what it means to accomplish these things while being an outstanding person. Going out of your way to pass the ball to Dwight Howard in 2012-2013, even if you couldn’t stand him, showed me how to be professional and how to work with others. The way you got everyone saying “Kobe got carried by Shaq” to shut up by winning back-to-back titles showed me how to believe in myself, even if it felt like no one else did. The way you scored 60 points in your final game showed me that any feat is possible if you set your mind on it.

I’d like to think that I’m your biggest fan, but it’s probably impossible for me to say that because of how many millions of lives you’ve changed. When my family was on vacation at a beach back home in the Philippines, there was a teenager who was renting out his skimboard to kids for cash. He probably had next to no money, but I’ll always remember the Kobe jersey he was wearing. Following in your footsteps was that important to him, and to so many kids around the world. The reason that almost every Filipino dude you meet is a Lakers fan is because of you. People in China, Japan, Italy, you name it – they all love you. We Kobe fanboys sometimes find it tough to put into words why it is we adore you so much. While it might be the pretty fadeaways, the impossible game-winners, or the 33643 points, it’s your heart that captured us all. The respect that you’ve garnered from players around the league and fans around the world is completely deserved. The class, professionalism, and excellence you displayed as a player, father, and philanthropist are what I will strive for throughout the rest of my life.

I’ve missed you in the NBA for a few years now, but I never thought that I’d have to miss you from the world this early. I’m absolutely crushed that you’re gone, but I will absolutely keep on going. If there’s anything I learned from you, it’s to never stop working at my dreams, no matter what adversity I face. I don’t know if I’ll ever be as passionate about a player as I am about you. You changed basketball forever. More importantly, you changed me. Thank you for being an idol to me and so many others. The lessons you taught me have made me a better basketball player, a better student, and a better person. I hope there’s a court up there waiting for you.


Paolo Lansang



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